About Us
We Are Committed to Growing Mature Disciples of Jesus through Consistent, Expositional Preaching of the Inerrant and Authoritative Word of God.
Who We Are
We are a confessional and independent Baptist Church with traditional worship that values the Word of God, fellowship, accountability and obediently following Christ.
Our Purpose
We exist to glorify God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, by proclaiming the gracious gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, for the salvation of the lost and edification of the church.
We seek to accomplish this by the expositional preaching of the inerrant and authoritative Word of God.

The Church Confession
“By Grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God’s Glory alone and Scripture alone.”
SGBC adheres to the 2nd London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689).
Church Leadership
Tony Hatton
Pastor / Elder
Hal Roberts
What to Expect
What Should I Wear?
We believe that man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. When you visit, you will find that some of our church members prefer to dress up, while others are more casual. We commit to do what we can to make you feel welcome.
Where Should I Park?
Our on-site parking lot can be easily accessed from McCowans Ferry Road. There are a limited number of spaces near the entrance for parking for people with disabilities.
Do You Meet Any During the Week?
We meet every other Thursday to study through the Scriptures at the church at the church. Click here to see the schedule for these Bible Studies.
Do I Need to Check in?
We are excited to welcome you to our church. People from our church family will make sure that you know where to go and be able answer any questions for you, but you do not need to check in.